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Spotlight On: Wantage Training Band

30 May 2024

Discover more about Wantage Training Band.

Training Band is home to brass and percussion players who are no longer beginners but are still in the early stages of their banding life. Like Beginner Band, there are no age limits - Training Band welcomes players from school age to retirement age; some of our players bring transferable musical skills from other areas; some are returning to music making having set it aside for years; some are learning everything new all at once.


Training Band takes part in a few concerts over the course of the year, often sharing the honours with Beginner Band. The more experienced Training players eventually move on to other Wantage bands, usually Wantage Youth Brass or Wantage Community Brass.


It’s a very encouraging environment - it’s not unknown for the band to break into spontaneous applause in appreciation of a well-played tricky phrase. The music is challenging but manageable - if a player ever says “I can’t play it." I predictably add the word “yet!”.


As well as playing, we try to encourage listening and talking about music. We do musical games and improvisation and talk about how to play together, how to practise, and so on.


Huge thanks to Colin Moss and Andrew Barber, experienced players both, who have supported rehearsals now for several years.


Brian’s enduring hope is that music will bring joy and fulfilment and open unexpected doors in the lives of all the players in the band.

Brian Thomas

Musical Director, Wantage Training Band

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